
November 27, 2018

Wikipedia is a newer version of what is now an age-old method of sharing information. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, the internet was originally just to share information. Even before the internet existed, the Encylopedia was a form of crowdsourcing.  Experts in their respected fields gather information and work to put them all […]

Segregating sound and genre

November 27, 2018

I believe it is foolish to try to segregate music by sound and genre. I say this because all forms of music derive from each other one way or another. No genre is special in a sense where they only have one single sound and are completely isolated from the others. Take the song we used […]

I agree that in many ways censorship is beneficial to the greater good of the community. No one wants to be watching or listening to something with their children and then suddenly be attacked with vulgarity. It just isn’t pleasant.  On the other hand, too much censorship is harmful, just look at North Korea. The […]


November 26, 2018

The distribution of information and music combine many of the topics we have already talked about in class.  “Information wants be shared” and  “medium defines the message”. The fact that the internet was first created as a way to strictly share information amongst scholars, much like a digital encyclopedia only enhances that theory. Over the years […]

Copyright Nov. 5

November 25, 2018

Ownership can be determined through both, labor and contract. Someone who puts all of the work into a project deserves ownership. Through their ownership, they are allowed to pass the torch onto someone else. Contractual ownership takes a few different forms in the legal system such as: Patents: apply to inventions others cannot use it […]