Realism v. Idealism
September 15, 2018
I always thought of myself as a realist because I always saw the idealist as someone who wasn’t taken seriously so I pushed it to the side in order to move up in my field. After this class, I realize that I am actually an idealist. I am not religious but I am spiritual and I do strive every day to fit the creators ideal.
The Medium is the Message
September 15, 2018
I really liked this discussion because I never thought of communication in this way. If I see a text from my mom I know that I should look at it but I can respond later if I need to, but if it is a phone call that means it is serious (my mom hates talking on the phone) and I need to answer it immediately.
Is Literacy a Crutch?
September 15, 2018
It depends on how you use it. If you are a doctor and refer to your notes on all of your exams instead of memorizing the information and truly understanding it, then yes, literacy is your crutch. Now if you are a doctor who has already memorized all of the information, understands it and has come up with new methods to do a procedure, then no, literacy is not a crutch.
Without literacy, life would be a game of telephone.
Does Technology Impoverish or Enhance Life?
September 15, 2018
Technology has many pros and just as many cons. We can see this with the advancements in the medical field, education, the workforce and in everyday lives in the privacy of our homes. In this post, I am going to focus and go more in-depth about the effect of technology on today’s education system.
As a student who was born at the turn of the millennium, I have experienced first hand the changes in technology in the classroom. In elementary school, they taught us how to use an encyclopedia and emphasized how important they would be in my high school years. Little did they know that I would be able to obtain more recent information with the click of a single button.
That is a very obvious pro to technology but what happens when everything is transferred from paper to the web? Students from a young age are now taught that technology is everything and they are exposed to it as early as preschool. My senior year of high school was a whirlwind but the evergrowing addiction to technology my younger sister was falling victim to did not go unnoticed by me.
We have become so wrapped up in the excitement of new tech and trying to shove it down the future generations throats that we end up giving them more problems. My mother took her school-issued laptop and her teachers were struggling to come up with a lesson plan that could work for her without the laptop. We are talking basic algebra and they were shocked when we told them to just make her a worksheet or assign work from the textbook.
So overall, technology is just like everything else. It is good in moderation but we have to decide where the line is and what we are willing to risk when we use it.